Friday, April 29, 2016

9 Foods That Are Good For High Cholesterol And High Blood Plesure

9 Foods That Are Good For High Cholesterol And High Blood Plesure

Foods that are good for high cholesterol and high blood plesure. In this modern era, the number of people with high blood pressure and cholesterol more. In the past, the disease can only be experienced by people of old age, but now young people susceptible to any one of them. As we all know if you have high blood pressure or cholesterol, automatically infestation risk of cardiovascular disease such as coronary heart becomes two-fold higher. Both of these diseases is closely related in triggering the deadly disease.Cholesterol is actually a substance with important functions for the body. The major manufacturers of these substances are the liver, but can also be obtained through food. Symptoms of high cholesterol or high blood pressure did not seem, that's very dangerous. For that, you are encouraged to keep their daily diet. Namely food consumption for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Food for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol are not specific to the disease patients, but is also good for our consumption in prevention. Simple recipe to achieve a healthy body is to eat and exercise in moderation. But what happened is one of the parts do not overlap. Then came various diseases that threaten the health of the body. The condition of every human body is not the same. There are some fragile body with high cholesterol and blood pressure rise.

#Healthy Food Menu for Patients with High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

High blood pressure and cholesterol did not bring the sufferer directly to death. But the gateway to heart damage and stroke is becoming increasingly open. If your age is now stepping 30 years, it is recommended to conduct regular inspections. Prior already convicted diseased and encouraged the consumption of drugs high cholesterol and hypertension, consumption of food following some good maintain normalcy cholesterol and blood pressure.

1. Brown rice

Brown rice contains Vitamin B, selenium, magnesium and phytonutrients. Brown rice can be used to lower blood lipid levels. High fiber content in the brown rice will also help lower blood sugar

2. Nuts

Food for people with high blood cholesterol and the first is any kind of nut. Good peanuts, almonds, beans, and kidney beans, contain high magnesium and potassium. Two of these substances can lower high blood pressure. Additionally owned vegetable fat peanut played a role in reducing levels of bad cholesterol in the body. It should be noted the amount consumed. Try not to eat them in excess amount, because of the high potassium will be a danger to the kidneys.

3. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is very high in flavonoid content. These substances play an important role in inhibiting plaque formation, thus preventing an increase in blood pressure. Antioxidants contained in dark chocolate help deactivate free radicals and controlling cholesterol in the body and reduces the synthesis of LDL. Even the type of chocolate was able to increase good HDL cholesterol protects the heart. In addition to good food for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol, chocolate consumption could be the right solution when you are stressed. This is because the content of polyphenols in it.

4. Carrot juice and lemon

The content of magnesium and potassium in carrots can reduce cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it can also normalize elevated blood pressure. While the acidity of lemon can break down fat and subsequently dissolved water during the digestive process. In addition to acting as food for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol, people with diabetes are also advised to drink juice on a regular basis. As a bonus, the content of beta-carotene in carrots is very nice maintaining the health of your eyes.

5. Fish omega 3

Patients with high blood pressure and cholesterol are not recommended to consume red meat, egg yolks, organ meats, shrimp, and cheese. But the body still had to require the intake of protein as forming new cells to the body. So food for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol with high protein can be obtained from fish. The content of omega-3 fatty acids prevent the formation of plaque in arteries and prevent high blood pressure. Fish is high in protein and low in fat so it will not raise cholesterol levels in the blood. Eat fish species such as salmon and other freshwater fish.

6. Fruit Wine

The grapes become one of the foods for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol. Clustered fruit is rich in pectin, vitamin C, folic acid and lycopene. Grapes contain pectin which is a natural fiber that is able to bind cholesterol and toxins in the blood. Vitamin C efficacious relaxes arteries so that the blood pressure decreases. In addition, vitamin C also plays an active role as an antidote to free radicals. Regular wine consumption can stabilize blood pressure for people with high blood pressure.

7. Olive

Fruit content of antioxidants (substances hydroxytyrosol) can lower cholesterol levels in the blood but does not reduce the level of good cholesterol in the body (HDL). This fruit will have a positive effect on heart health because it contains monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E which will raise the levels of good cholesterol. We can consume a mixture of at least two (2) spoons of olive oil and olives mixed into a salad to raise good cholesterol in the body.

8. Garlic

Besides known as food seasonings and aroma enhancer, it turns out garlic has remarkable efficacy for health. Most people do not like the pungent aroma of garlic. However, when you view a variety of benefits, should rule out the smell and began to consume it. Garlic can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. hydrogen sulfide gas content in garlic is useful dilate blood vessels and role in controlling blood pressure. No wonder if the garlic used as food for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol.

9. Earthworms

Surely you are disgusted in advance when meeting these animals. Do you know some studies show if antibacterial and protein secretion worms can inhibit the growth of bad bacteria like E. coli. In addition worms are also used for food for patients with high blood pressure and cholesterol. Of course, after experiencing the process of medical treatment. Capsule worm can lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure in hypertensive patients regularly.

#Food Restrictions for People with High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

In addition to consuming food for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol, there are some foods that should be avoided by people with the disease. The main Abstinence hypertensive patients are foods with a high salt content. Excess salt raises blood pressure, this is because of the nature of salt that can absorb water. But that does not mean you should not eat salt at all. Patients with high blood meal maximum of 6 grams of salt a day. Avoid canned food, instant noodles, and processed meat, because the preservatives contained therein may trigger a rise in blood pressure. Processed foods like snacks, chips, dried vegetables, crackers, and soy sauce usually contain high sodium. In the daily diet, protein becomes an important component. But beware of proteins with saturated fats like seafood.

The main enemies of high blood pressure is cholesterol. Especially the bad cholesterol that can clog arteries. The body can produce LDL by itself, so you do not require the consumption of animal fats. This type of fat triglycerides can lead to clogged arteries and aggravate high blood pressure. Consumption of good food with saturated fat can raise cholesterol. Such as foods fried in vegetable oil, full cream milk, cheese, egg yolks, meat goat, and chicken skin. Indeed, some good food and a favorite is a taboo. But there are many types of food for people with high blood pressure and cholesterol are no less tasty if processed creatively.

Similarly, information about healthy foods for high cholesterol and high blood pressure, I hope this information is useful to the reader, and especially for people with high cholesterol and blood pressure.

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